Do you tend to beat yourself up when you fall off track, the scale is up, or miss a workout?

Do you promise yourself that each day will be different but you struggle to do the things you said you would do?

Do you find that you compare yourself to other women's weight lost, body, or what they are eating?

Does this ever make you feel like you have to do more? Do more cardio? Be more strict with your food? Lift more weight?

Have you ever struggled with feeling like you are good enough?

Do you ever wonder why no matter how hard you try, you tend to repeat this cycle over and over?

You feel like you know a lot about the strategy behind nutrition for fat loss, lifting or working out, but you struggle to use that strategy consistently because you beat yourself up so much?

That's why I created this FREE journal and self reflection guide so that you can be more confident and consistent on your weight loss journey.

This guide is for you if:

  • You want to learn the why behind beating ourselves up so that you can start to feel more confident with yourself, your body, and your actions.

  • You want to learn your tendencies that lead you to beat yourself up so much, so that you can learn how to possibly avoid it all together.

  • You want to hold yourself accountable for the things you say you will do on your journey through tracking your thoughts, exercise, nutrition, and health.

  • You want to start feeling better about yourself and your body.

  • You want to accomplish your weight loss goal and be able to sustain it aka end the Yo Yo-ing.

  • You want to end feeling like you're always starting and starting over on your journey.

Hi, I'm Julia! I'm a health & fitness coach who helps women get stronger & lose body fat without giving up their favorite foods, but my favorite thing of all?

Helping women accomplish this goal without the guilt, perfectionism, comparison to other women, and all or nothing mentality, this way you can actually accomplish your goals and be able to sustain it by uncovering the mindset blocks that have kept you repeating the same cycle, over and over.

I've been exactly where you are, and that's why I am so passionate about helping you make this change.

What you can find in this guide are the same tools I have used not only for myself to stop beating myself up for not feeling good enough, but also with my clients!

“I’ve struggled with beating myself up on my health journey and in my life for as long as I can remember. I have gained so much more awareness to why with this journal guide. Julia has a way of making you think on a deeper level and has helped me so much in becoming more confident with myself on my journey”.
- Ava, Lift Nourish & Thrive 1:1 Client

Here's what's included in the guide:

  • Learn the benefits of self reflection exercises on your health journey to Help you achieve your goals and sustain them.

  • Understanding self sabotage ( beating ourselves up) and how it shows up on our weight loss journey and impacts our consistency and progress.

  • Self reflection exercises, journal prompts, goal setting, & affirmations to help you not beat yourself up so much and gain more confidence on your journey.

  • BONUS! - A thoughts, health, exercise, & nutrition tracker to help you gain more consistency and help you stop possibly beating yourself up before it happens.

  • This free guide is yours forever to keep. Refer back to it whenever you need to help you feel more confident and consistent on your journey!

You deserve to finally end this cycle for good. You deserve to accomplish your goals. You are capable of everything you have ever wanted for your health, body, and life. You deserve to feel strong on the outside, and the inside.

I'm proud of you for taking this step in doing something for yourself. Start making the changes and creating the weight loss journey you really want with this guide.

Get the FREE Guide Here!

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